Monday, May 4, 2009

First things FIRST

J.c Leyendecker   (1874- 1951)  

Now as an illustrator/Artist myself i have the need to extol someone who has been secluded from a lot of peoples awareness for a long while. 
As a personal admirer of the 'Golden Age of Fashion' period and all the old menswear illustrators i want to highlight that J.C Leyendecker (Joseph Christian) was one of the first and finest illustrators of his time. His Arrow Collar ads and Saturday Evening Post covers during the twenties got him an acclaimed reputation. This man guarded his private life and the lack of most of his material is obvious to his personality.
His works began to fade in the late 40s, during the last years of his life. 

Another illustrator named Norman Rockwell took over. Now don't get me wrong i love and appreciate Rockwell's work too but it is said that Rockwell established the best-known visual images of Americana when they are actually a derivative of Leyendeckers work. Leyendecker was Rockwells idol and friend so the influence lies within. 

So here is to a great Artist who inspired and still inspires thousands.