To wind up my day today, i took a bitterly cold trip up to the MOMA museum to see Tim Burton's exhibition. Accompanied by the likes of a lens, pen and paper i found myself in my own world again. I got there only to find that the Burton tickets were sold out and coughed a rather foul and loud curse under my tight fist. It was not aimed at anyone particular, but managed to get more than enough attention from all the tourists surrounding the sardine packaged premises.
Anyway, i decided not to waste my journey and ascended up the escalator to the top floor and work my way down, ignoring the 3rd floor, (where Tims show is), as i may act foolishly again.
I was inspired by many artist's work there this time round a
nd had to make note of a few names. One was Judith Joy Ross, who is an American portrait photographer that has a similar style to the late/great August Sander. She has a very primitive style. I could go on and describe her more but thats why i put her name up so your research starts when my full stops.

And Nadar. His work beneath, who was a great potrait photographer. His life story is very inspiring...